Al-Heltzik Makina is a petrochemical company located in QATAR .
Our company belongs to HELTZIC Makina ,a governmental company which located in Ankara, Turkey.
Our Ethanol Amine plant has been operational since 2020. Both basic and detailed engineering have been completed. Currently, the construction of the plant and the procurement of equipment are underway. We hope to complete all commissioning by 2025.
As a foreign investor in Qatar, Heltzic Makina has established a new subsidiary, Al-Heltzik Makina Petrochemical. The main product, MDEA, will serve as a sweetening agent for natural gas. Operating in Qatar with the existing infrastructure, we are confident in achieving our production target of 14,000 tons per year of MDEA while maintaining low production costs.
Al-Heltzik Makina Petrochemical Co.
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